4455 E. Camelback Road, Suite #E-100, Phoenix, AZ 85018

Tips for a Cleaner and Healthier Gums and Teeth

Posted on 4/11/2022 by Ronald Watkins
Tips for a Cleaner and Healthier Gums and TeethA cleaner and healthier bite helps enhance your oral and overall health. Maintaining a clean, white set of teeth means increased confidence, reduced chances of dental problems like tooth decay, discoloration, gum disease, chipping, and tooth loss. But what habits promote a healthy bite and which ones are bad for your gums and teeth?

Promoting Healthy, Clean Gums and Teeth

There are many things you can do to maintain your pearly whites. Brushing twice a day, flossing once, and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash can help remove plaque. Make sure that you change your toothbrush, specifically after every three months, or when you notice the bristles are worn. When cleaning the teeth, do it in a circular motion as it helps cover all areas. Moreover, eating raw strawberries as well as other water-rich fruits helps with your oral health. Quit smoking and the use of tobacco as it is a major cause of receding gums and tooth loss.

Protecting your Gums and Teeth

When playing sports use a mouthguard to protect your gums and teeth. Consider the custom-made mouthguards as they fit comfortably into your mouth. Avoid the habit of chewing pencils or pens as they can chip your tooth. Also, hard foods such as nuts, corn, and ice can cause the teeth to get chipped, especially if they are weak. Therefore, be careful when biting on these foods or items. Excess sugary foods, as well as alcohol, tend to erode the enamel, making your bite suffer from sensitivity and increasing the risk of tooth decay and cavities. It is a bad habit to open bottle caps with the teeth. In fact, this is the biggest culprit for chipping a tooth.

To find out how you can maintain clean and healthy teeth and gums, contact our periodontic office. Our team will be ready to assist you with any concerns you may have or your dental treatment needs.

Office Hours
Closed for Lunch12–1
Contact Us
4455 E. Camelback Road
Suite #E-100
Phoenix, AZ 85018
(480) 504-0506
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Dental Implants | Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona
At Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center AZ, our team offers high-quality and affordable treatment options for patients with oral health problems.
Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona, 4455 E. Camelback Rd #E-100, Phoenix, AZ 85018 ^ (480) 504-0506 ^ azimplantsolutions.com ^ 2/12/2025 ^ Tags: Periodontist Phoenix AZ ^