4455 E. Camelback Road, Suite #E-100, Phoenix, AZ 85018

How To Reverse Periodontitis

Posted on 4/12/2021 by Ronald Watkins
How To Reverse PeriodontitisAlmost, 64.7 million adults in U.S suffer from some form of periodontal disease; i.e. nearly 50 percent of the adult population. You only get one set of teeth in life, thus ensure to make them last as long as possible. However, many people focus on the teeth, but neglect the gums. What they fail to realize is that our gum health is directly connected to our teeth health; if the gums are unhealthy, chances are so will be your teeth.

Are you suffering from a periodontitis but don't know what to do? Fret not. Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona is here to guide you because fortunately it's reversible.

Keep reading to find out the ways to reverse periodontitis to ensure your oral health is great again.

3 Ways to Reverse Periodontal Diseases

The key to reversing periodontal disease is eliminating the tartar that exists on both the teeth's root and under the gum line. You must know that periodontitis can only be slowed down and not inverted while gingivitis can be reversed. This is why it is essential to catch it early and prevent it from transforming into periodontitis.

Here are some ways you can reverse a gum disorder to ensure it doesn't grow into something more severe:

Practice & Uphold Oral Hygiene

First and foremost, you should practice and uphold optimal oral hygiene by brushing twice a day, – preferably use an electronic brush – floss after eating, and use mouth wash to loosen and get rid of residual food particles or bacteria.

Focus On Preventive Care

Schedule regular visits to your dentist as preventative care is crucial when it comes to periodontal disease. Not only can your dental care provider look for cavities and other concerns, they can also remove tartar that you fail to get rid of by brushing.

Quit Chewing Tobacco or Smoking

Chewing tobacco can irritate the gums, which can further elevate the symptoms related to periodontal disease. Therefore, quitting can be fruitful in reversing gum diseases.

At Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona, Ronald Watkins, DDS, MS and are always ready to answer your questions on periodontitis. Call now at (480) 504-0506 to schedule your appointment today.
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4455 E. Camelback Road
Suite #E-100
Phoenix, AZ 85018
(480) 504-0506
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Dental Implants | Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona
At Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center AZ, our team offers high-quality and affordable treatment options for patients with oral health problems.
Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona, 4455 E. Camelback Rd #E-100, Phoenix, AZ 85018 : (480) 504-0506 : azimplantsolutions.com : 2/12/2025 : Page Keywords: Periodontist Phoenix AZ :