4455 E. Camelback Road, Suite #E-100, Phoenix, AZ 85018

Why Do So Many Athletes Have Gum Disease?

Posted on 11/9/2020 by Ronald Watkins
Why Do So Many Athletes Have Gum Disease?Athletes, like many of us, have an excellent oral hygiene routine that they stick to every day. In practice, this should prevent the development of any oral complications and increase the vitality of their teeth. However, many athletes find that their oral health is impacted by their profession. While this may seem strange at first, since their body is otherwise in peak form, the conditions in which their oral cavity has to endure no doubt leads to consequences.

The Impact of an Athlete's Diet

Research has found that almost half of all athletes have untreated tooth decay. While tooth decay is reasonably common in adults, athletes are expected to have excellent health due to the nature of their occupation. The reason tooth decay is so high for athletes is partially due to their diet. Athletes want the leanest food, with the most amount of energy. This means they are often consuming foods high in carbohydrates and sugar, both of which can damage the enamel of the teeth. Energy drinks or sports drinks have a lot of glucose and can damage the teeth if consumed often.

Sport Injuries

Not only are the athlete's teeth potentially damaged by their strict diet, they can also experience an injury that causes oral complications. One third of all sports injuries happen in the facial area, which means that should an athlete fall or receive a blow to the face, they could loosen or lose a tooth. It is reported that 32% of sportsmen and women said their oral health has had a negative impact on their performance during sport. This highlights the difficult interplay between oral health and athletic performance as they both affect each other. If you are an athlete and follow a strict diet, contact our office for the best advice on how to maintain excellent oral health.
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4455 E. Camelback Road
Suite #E-100
Phoenix, AZ 85018
(480) 504-0506
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Dental Implants | Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona
At Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center AZ, our team offers high-quality and affordable treatment options for patients with oral health problems.
Implant and Periodontal Wellness Center of Arizona, 4455 E. Camelback Rd #E-100, Phoenix, AZ 85018 • (480) 504-0506 • azimplantsolutions.com • 2/15/2025 • Associated Words: Periodontist Phoenix AZ •